Mudra Space Awareness: Experiential Mind-Body Workshop by Dr. Craig Warren Smith with Rupa Acharya Suzann Duquette

Seattle Shambhala Center 3107 E Harrison St, Seattle, WA, United States

Explore non-dual perception and mind/body unity through exercises introduced by Chogyam Trungpa Rnpoche, based on his training in Tibetan Monastic Dance. The event  continues the long Mudra collaboration between Suzann and Craig that began in Berkeley in the early 1970s. In the early 2000s the duo co-taught a "Mudra Dathun" at Karme Choling Medication Center.  Taking […]


Mudra Space Awareness with Suzann Duquette

Mudra Space Awareness is a mind/body transformation method developed by The Venerable Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche. Inspired by his education in Tibetan Monastic dance, the Mudra exercises combine intense physical training with focused sensory awareness to unlock our inherent freedom and create a radical shift in our understanding of the mind/body relationship to space. In the […]


(Vermont) 7-Day Mudra Deep Immersion Retreat

Karme Choling Retreat Center 369 Patneaude Lane, Barnet, VT, United States

This program will provide the full scope of Mudra. An extraordinary gathering of Mudra teachers will present intensive physical training, sensory exercises, meditations, talks and discussions. It is a qualifying program for Mudra advanced training to be held at Karme Choling in May of 2020.


LIVESTREAM: Chaos Is Extremely Good News: Mudra & Digital Embodiment with Dr. Craig Warren Smith, Acharya Suzann Duquette and Greg Heffron

online , United States

Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche once said: "Chaos should be regarded as extremely good news.” Through intensification and embodiment practices that engage our senses, Mudra meets the chaos of any moment and transmutes it into a clear sense of being. In this way, Mudra allows us to see fear, meet the groundlessness that is ever present, and […]


Mudra Presentation & Practice Series, Talk 1

online , United States

In this five-week class series, 50 years after Chögyam Trungpa first presented Mudra Space Awareness, it will be presented for the first time as a complete upaya — a 24/7 practice designed especially for the moment we are in today. No longer confined to theater training, this practice, succinctly presented in the above diagram, is designed to promote leadership in the moment of groundlessness that arises in the wake of COVID.


Mudra Presentation & Practice Series, Talk 2

online , United States

The gateway to the Mudra experience is something called “intensification.” It is achieved through a series of mind/body exercises that dispel the conventional separation between tension and relaxation. Intensification provides a clue to the meaning of being “wrathful” as that term is understood in Vajrayana Buddhism. It becomes the basis of an engaged lifestyle that goes beyond mere mindfulness to achieve transformation. Why is intensification suitable to our own time of COVID?
